A video campaign dedicated to raising awareness for responsible animal adoption for PRAVI Association based in Faro.


Campaign video concept

An unconventional yet crucial addition to this portfolio , driven by both the emotional aspect (after all, I am only human!). I assumed the role of a Creative Director for this promotional film, working collaboratively with the entire video team to bring this project to life. It was made for the PRAVI Association in Faro, dedicated to aiding animals and people in need.

The identified problem may not be as obvious as it seems. While many believe the primary challenge is finding adopters for animals, the real issue lies in the intention and consciousness of potential adopters.

Conceptually, this video intentionally manipulates perception and emotions, leading viewers to initially believe the stories belong to people, only to discover they are the traumas experienced by animals. By projecting human emotions onto animals, even those who struggle with compassion for non-humans may find it easier to connect. This helps to understand that adopted animals many times need the additional care and attention.

The video has been made with amateurs, people who actually adopted a rescue.

All of the animals’ stories are real.

Team: Érica Bravo, Daniela Coelho, Claudia Correia, James McCowan


Support PRAVI Núcleo de Faro here.

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